Maybe that's why I get myself all worked up about schedules and multi-tasking. I just finished a 50+ hour work week and I still get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. Phew. It feels sooo good to get it done yet there's still this and that and sooo much more to do... or so I thought!! Dan and I are going to Ottawa area with Mike and Meg this weekend. The dog has to be brought to mom and dads, a B.Y.O. bed needs to be picked up, the house is a disaster (!!), bills have to be paid and the list goes on. Plus, I realized I still have to arrange my schedule for next week. I was so worked up about scheduling this week around my life that I forgot to ask off next weekend for another camp. I rarely double book myself (thanks to my handy day timer) and I was super stressed out when I realized that I do have to work both jobs at the same time next week.
At 7:00 tonight, I finished work, went to my other job and very easily switched some shifts around to make sure that I could work both jobs (overlapping a little bit and hoping for some leniency with start times). I drove home getting ready to do a crazy fast clean up job so that if M&M have to sleep on the floor they won't wake up with dog hair in their mouth. Oh, it was soooo beautiful. Dan had, once again (second time this week) cleaned the entire house. The kitchen floor was washed, the living room vaccuumed twice, the bathroom cleaned and even our bed was made!! Sigh. I have such a good husband. The relief I feel from all of that feels like such a high. Now I can go on vacation this weekend, enjoy myself and get ready for another 50+ hour week next week.
Friday, 26 July 2013
Oh fun
Years ago, a roommate tried to get me Christmas decorating. I don't think I'm very artistic and can't make things look "perfect" like you would see in all those craft magazines, so generally, I don't try. This roommate, Sarah, wouldn't take that for an answer and just said that my creativity just had "character". I love that word now and laugh at all my lopsided creations while announcing that they are full of character. Well, today, I made quite the creation. I had a bunch of coniferous branches from the Christmas tree outing that I thought I might make into a wreath. I was putting it off for a few days but finally, this morning, thought I'd give it a try. I first did my research on "how to make a wreath" but quit shortly after since all the pictures were perfect and I didn't have any of the supplies I was told to have anyways. So, with bare hands, Opa W's cooking string that he gave me, and all those branches, I made a Christmas wreath. And what a wreath! I doubt it will stay in tact till Christmas but by the end I was laughing, and festive and so it was worth it. Ta DA!!

I decorated it with some leftover small ornaments.
Then I went inside and decorated the half wall by the stairs too. Oh, the decorating can go on and on. But at the same time, I'm thinking about how frustrating it is going to be trying to take off these tiny ornaments in January. They are going to get stuck in everything.
Speaking of these ornaments, I'm trying to remember where I got them. They are tiny little wooden figures of Christmas things. Some are toys, some are angels or a stable. Some are little Santas. I know I got some wooden ornaments at a tree farm a few years ago but I've got tons of these. Oma Z gave me some ornaments a few years ago so I'm wondering if these are part of them. If anyone knows, let me know. I want to be more careful with them if they have any meaning to them. On the other hand, if they are from the dollar store, I don't mind if I lose
a few in the middle of the tree. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Is a picture worth a thousand words?
I hope so because I really haven't had the time to sit by a computer on my time off to write a post.... even though I've got about 4-5 of them all planned in my head. I just don't feel like sitting behind a computer for some reason!

I've been taking Chloe for a walk through the fields in the morning. I throw on the old barn coat, step into the barn boots and head into the muddy fields where other mean dog owners won't bug me. I've since discovered my new favourite smell. A corner of the field was burnt down one morning and within a week the new grass started coming up. mmmmm. Just the smell of the burnt field was wonderful but mixed with the smell of new grass and dew... you just can't beat it.
Here's my new tomatoes growing under Opa's grow lights that he gave me. Sarah sent me some heirloom tomatoes. My heart has been craving some gardeing but I really haven't been putting in too much of an effort. I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that I don't even have a garden patch yet, I don't know. So really, all I've got is 4 brocolli plants about 10-15 young tomato plants. I started them late but, oh well. It's still fun to watch them growing. Their on their 3rd pair of leaves right now.
I really don't like this picture of me but it's to replace the thousand words I should have been writing to update you all on the new job. I was wondering if I should be writing anything about the job at all online just to keep some anonymity. To keep it simple, the job is as an addictions counsellor. I like this line of work, I really like the job, I'm not enjoying being a rookie. The office is probably the best office I could want to work for. It's relaxed and comfortable but I'm still new at this job and I still need to ask a lot of questions... something I'm getting used to doing.
And last of all.... we were out visiting today so I got a chance to hang out with Jaela.... I love that kid!

I've been taking Chloe for a walk through the fields in the morning. I throw on the old barn coat, step into the barn boots and head into the muddy fields where other mean dog owners won't bug me. I've since discovered my new favourite smell. A corner of the field was burnt down one morning and within a week the new grass started coming up. mmmmm. Just the smell of the burnt field was wonderful but mixed with the smell of new grass and dew... you just can't beat it.

Saturday, 20 July 2013
I need to unpack my poop calendar
Yikes!! I should not have packed that thing away. We moved here in May (right?). Since then I'm sure I've missed at least 6 occasions when I should have sent a card, made a call, or at least written an email. I missed my best friends birthday (although that was before the move) and we haven't talked since (oops), I missed my sisters 29th birthday (and haven't brought it up or even appologized), I didn't miss Frank and Alisha's (phew... I was there, right?), I missed my own parents 30th anniversary (!!!!), and today is my Opa's birthday. Not that I remembered on my own... mom called and told me this morning. The thing is, I haven't even really forgotten all these events. I thought about Amy's birthday about 10 times that day. I just forget to make the call or write the email. Today, I'm going to write an email to my Gramps and call, just in case. And I'm sorry about all those other missed calls. These are things that could be important to some people.... And I'm not just saying this all because my birthday is on Tuesday (nice drop there, eh?).
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Loose ends
Oh man... today is one of those days that I'm finally facing a bunch of dreaded chores that I've been putting off for WAY too long. I think I'm finally getting at them because I've been stuck in this house for so long without much to do. Of course, I could be cleaning the bathroom or wiping down the cupboards and every other surface in this house that is covered in dust (at least the floor is vacuumed!). I have been working and out of the house but not much. There aren't that many hours available at this time of year, plus I don't have a second vehicle to get to work so I have to work around Dan's schedule. I've made 2 weeks worth of chili, dog treats, a terrible pasta salad and banana bread. The house is pretty clean (except for that dust and some clothes to put away) and the dog has had plenty of walks.... now what? So, I started finding a DJ for Cass's wedding and stag and doe. I'm looking into a long lost purchase of my mom's that she never received, I'm making arrangements for Bella's new home (Larissa's rabbit) and now... I guess there's nothing to do but my old chores that I don't want to do. Here's confession time: Dan and I still have stuff at our old place back in the country. Luckily we know the people there so we can go and claim our stuff but eventually they are just going to get rid of it themselves. We have an old car sitting in their driveway (what a waste!) and a spare tire for our Jetta in the garage. These are two things that we for sure should make sure we take care of. How does one go about getting rid of an old car? I know the tires are seized up and it's not worth fixing anymore. If I found someone with a trailer, and we somehow managed to get it on there, do we just drive to a wreckers and drop it off? I don't know!! I have NO experience here. I called the wreckers and they said I would get about $75 for it and they would pick it up.... would I get much more if I pulled in favours from friends and dropped it off ourselves? It's pretty humbling picking up the phone and calling the people that have lived with that car in their driveway for so long. I know they are nice people but I'm still quite embarrassed. And then, I made the dreaded call for a sit down with the bank. It's not really a bad meeting but we have to change our home branch now that we've moved out here. Really, it's not that bad but it's something that I've been putting off forever too. The only consolation that I have after all this is that I'm hoping it feels so good to get it all done. Next, I need to repair our only working car and get rid of the crunched up truck in OUR driveway (by the way, is that the right word? driveway?).
Monday, 15 July 2013
The Black Sheep Inn, Part 1
What a good weekend. It was a whirlwind of a weekend but still a good weekend. Mike and Meg came over Friday night so that we could get an early start the next morning off to Ottawa. We decided to rent a car for the trip just for the fun of it so we didn't really get started till around 10:30. That's alright though because the trip really only took about 6 hours. Dan and I got a GPS for Christmas and before March we really hadn't used it too much. There's little things here and there but this weekend we really found it helpful. We left without even looking at a map to see where Wakefield is. It turns out it's about 25 minutes past Ottawa into Quebec. The trip there really didn't seem to last too long. We had lots of time to chat and catch up on our lives for the last 6 months and where the next 6 months are heading. It was neat going through Ottawa and since Mike's been there a bit more than us he pointed out all the important buildings to us. I really don't have any live memories of driving through Quebec so once we got past Hull I was really impressed. You can see distinct differences right away. Besides the street signs there were plenty of things that made it seem like we just entered a different country. The houses looked different and even the landscape looked different. When we got into Wakefield I'm sure someone actually said "is this it?!" It's realy just a small hamlet although I'm sure there are more houses tucked into the hills. The town is right on the edge of a wide turn in the Gateneau river so on one side of the road is a beautiful view of the river and on the other side is a row of cafes/shops/pubs and then behind them are houses going up into the hills. It's really beautiful. I could very easily live there but the other 3 said they would prefer to visit often but couldn't quite live there. It seems very isolated and quiet (even though it's so close to Ottawa).
We drove up to the B&B and were brought to our rooms. The house seemed like an older house but was comfortable enough. Before we had our bags down Meghan was just drooling over the home renovation ideas she would have for the place (have a look at the rooms and you'll see what I mean). It was a good place to stay the night at though.
I have so much more to say but, alas, I have to go to work so you're all going to have to wait for a part 2.
We drove up to the B&B and were brought to our rooms. The house seemed like an older house but was comfortable enough. Before we had our bags down Meghan was just drooling over the home renovation ideas she would have for the place (have a look at the rooms and you'll see what I mean). It was a good place to stay the night at though.
I have so much more to say but, alas, I have to go to work so you're all going to have to wait for a part 2.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Here it is... finally. An update! I do have to say, I have a bit of dutch stuborness in me so everytime someone complains about the lack of good reading material it makes me want to do this less and less.Right now I'm actually sitting in a lawnchair at my campsite waiting for my sausage to be cooked. Isn't that the life?! I love being able to go camping this often. It's also a great way to see Dan more often.The new job is going very well. I really like the work and it's a great company to work for. I'm almost done my contract but there's a possibility that I'll get a permanent position soon (cross your fingers). There is a ton to learn, tons of paperwork and some really heavy stories... But it feels so good to be doing something that I like and am good at. It is really fulfilling. On top of that, the company has been supporting every single innitiative and idea I bring up. They sent me to a 3 day paid conference, they are paying me to sit on 2 different commitiees, I asked them to pay me for 2 hrs. a week to do commitee work, and I asked them to sponser a garden plot for the addictions/mental health clients so that we could run a horticulture therapy program. And they said yes to everything! I don't know where all these ideas and energy is coming from but I love it! Maybe it's the 7 years of dead time selling beer. It's just a lot of pent up energy.Unfortunately, my home life is suffering from all of this. I hardly have anything for a garden, I'm embarassed about how little I clean the house (and it shows), I never get to cook and bake anymore and our diets are crap! I don't remember the last time I ate a vegetable or fruit. I'm just not used to this kind of schedule! It's a terrible thing to complain about since this is what most people have to juggle. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. I have to make some sacrifices and get a house cleaner or something. I have to learn to make the quick healthy meals and forget about the fun, inspiring long meals that I used to make.So that's it for now. By the way, I typed this whole thing out on my blackberry. Pretty good, eh? I guess it was worth it!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
hey all...
another week over.... almost. Dan's coming home tonight finally. Last week when he came back he was saying that he can't wait to get to work and now he's saying he's glad he's got a bit of a break just to let everything settle in. Everytime I talk to him he's either coming or going to some sort of study thing... he's a new man!
Larissa had her baby this week which was soo much fun for me. Actually, I don't know if fun is the word but I love being able to be totally comfortable around and baby and not worried about getting the stink eye from the mother for not holding the kid just "right". James had to go back to work on Thursday so I was even asked to go pick Larissa and Jaela up from the hospital. What a priveledge, eh? We weren't really sure we got the car seat in right but everyone made it home okay so it all worked out. Now I look at pictures of Grace and I can't wait till Jaela gets that old. I looooovvveed those pics of Grace with mom and dad. She looks like she's got such a personality. It makes me want to come over and hang out with her more.
Cass, James said he would do your brakes for you some Saturday if you want but I think they'll be a little forgetful about it and busy for the next little while. James' uncle found gramma Smith on the floor of her home yesterday.... she had a stroke. I don't know how she's doing at all but I'm guessing that life is going to be a bit difficult with Jaela and gramma now.
I'm going to have a super busy weekend now and it looks like it's going to be stinkin hot too. I woke up super late this morning (10:00.... 11 hours sleep.. mmmm) and slowly walked upstairs and could hardly make it. It's nice and cool here in the basement but upstairs it was 26! Freaking hot! and this weekend is only going to get worse. And I don't have a thing planted. All that rain and heat isn't doing anything for my garden.
So I bought a ticket to Winnipeg. $79! not bad eh? I was going to drive there with Opa, James, and Caleb and then drive back with John, Tena and Caleb but you can't beat $79. At least I know for sure now that I'm going. I leave the last thurs. of June and come back the beginning of next week. Then..... SARAH AND PETER COME!! I'm so excited about that. I have to make sure that I ask off the weekend right away.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good weekend. I doubt I'll get any phone calls in but I miss you girls! We'll talk soon.
Love nicole
.... wierd.... I just about put an "h" in nicole
another week over.... almost. Dan's coming home tonight finally. Last week when he came back he was saying that he can't wait to get to work and now he's saying he's glad he's got a bit of a break just to let everything settle in. Everytime I talk to him he's either coming or going to some sort of study thing... he's a new man!
Larissa had her baby this week which was soo much fun for me. Actually, I don't know if fun is the word but I love being able to be totally comfortable around and baby and not worried about getting the stink eye from the mother for not holding the kid just "right". James had to go back to work on Thursday so I was even asked to go pick Larissa and Jaela up from the hospital. What a priveledge, eh? We weren't really sure we got the car seat in right but everyone made it home okay so it all worked out. Now I look at pictures of Grace and I can't wait till Jaela gets that old. I looooovvveed those pics of Grace with mom and dad. She looks like she's got such a personality. It makes me want to come over and hang out with her more.
Cass, James said he would do your brakes for you some Saturday if you want but I think they'll be a little forgetful about it and busy for the next little while. James' uncle found gramma Smith on the floor of her home yesterday.... she had a stroke. I don't know how she's doing at all but I'm guessing that life is going to be a bit difficult with Jaela and gramma now.
I'm going to have a super busy weekend now and it looks like it's going to be stinkin hot too. I woke up super late this morning (10:00.... 11 hours sleep.. mmmm) and slowly walked upstairs and could hardly make it. It's nice and cool here in the basement but upstairs it was 26! Freaking hot! and this weekend is only going to get worse. And I don't have a thing planted. All that rain and heat isn't doing anything for my garden.
So I bought a ticket to Winnipeg. $79! not bad eh? I was going to drive there with Opa, James, and Caleb and then drive back with John, Tena and Caleb but you can't beat $79. At least I know for sure now that I'm going. I leave the last thurs. of June and come back the beginning of next week. Then..... SARAH AND PETER COME!! I'm so excited about that. I have to make sure that I ask off the weekend right away.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good weekend. I doubt I'll get any phone calls in but I miss you girls! We'll talk soon.
Love nicole
.... wierd.... I just about put an "h" in nicole
Friday, 5 July 2013
Just Arrived Zmodo PKD-DK4216 Surveillance Camera Kit with 4-Channel H.264 DVR and 4 Indoor/Outdoor IR Cameras - Hard Drive Not Included
Zmodo PKD-DK4216 Surveillance Camera Kit with 4-Channel H.264 DVR and 4 Indoor/Outdoor IR Cameras - Hard Drive Not Included
The PKD-DK4216 kit includes a 4 CH H.264 standalone DVR and four indoor/outdoor IR security cameras. Hard Drive Not Included with this kit. Read More >>
List Price: $ 149.99
And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
- Network Access and Live View via Smart Phone & 3G Mobile (iPhone & Google Android)
- TV Monitor BNC Output and PC Monitor VGA Output
- H.264 Hardware Compression
- PTZ via RS485 Port
- 1/4" Color CMOS Cameras with 420 TV-Lines, Night Vision up to 30'
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Zmodo PKD-DK4216 Surveillance Camera Kit with 4-Channel H.264 DVR and 4 Indoor/Outdoor IR Cameras - Hard Drive Not Included this month.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
One of my favourite things about this computer

See the memory stick ports in the middle? I love them. It is so easy to upload my pictures. No need for a missing camera cord.
Another favourite thing, the monitor is thin. We have a really small place so all the space is needed. Right now the whole thing is on our table (as you can see) but we hope to get a tiny little desk that fits just the computer.
And my most favourite of all favourite things about this computer......
I have high speed internet!! Boy did I miss this these last two years. It took me about 2 seconds to upload the picture!
Monday, 1 July 2013

WHAT is THIS?! I'm working a lot this week yet I'm still cooking... why? Dan said to just go to subway but noooo i decide to buy the on sale PC green curry sauce. I followed the directions but I am not so sure that I want to eat it now. My guts hurt just looking at it. Dan just finished his and he says now he's afraid to fart. Oh man... wish me luck.

Oh, and I took this pic for Mom W so that I'm actually in some of the pics and they're not just of dumb computers and food. :)
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Smallest Hidden Spy cam Color Wireless Camera /w Audio * Completed System*
Smallest Hidden Spy cam Color Wireless Camera /w Audio * Completed System*
** Item is exactly shown on the picture and there is logo on the receiver that a new chipset is used for top reliable performance ** This Brand New High Power Wireless Pinhole Surveillence Color Camera with audio microphone features that can provides up to 300ft range and better picture quality. All cables & adapters are included so it can be easily installed in a few minutes to your tv, vcr or computer that has tv tuner or capture card. A Complete Wireless Spy Camera Kit System (9 value) are Read More >>
List Price: $ 28.81
And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
- 2.4Ghz Pinhole size Wireless Color Camera
- Bonus: Free Bracket Camera Stand for easy installation
- High Quality Receiver with Audio & Video Output
- battery clip connector, 2 dc adapter & AV cable are all included
- A completed system
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Smallest Hidden Spy cam Color Wireless Camera /w Audio * Completed System* this month.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
So, yesterday was Family Day. What a good day it was for me. For Dan it was just an extra long day of Sunday evening blues but for me, I enjoyed every minute of it.
We woke up fairly early (for a day off) and left right away for mom and dad W's. Dan wanted a paved driveway to work on his truck. I wanted a working washer and dryer. It was so beautiful out. If it was April I probably wouldn't say this since it was still 0 degree's out but the sun was shining and we had a day of zero plans. Chloe spent the day sniffing out voles in Caleb's snowmobile and laying on the remaining piles of snow. Between Dan, Dad and Caleb, the truck sounds significantly better and doesn't smell like exha
ust anymore. 

Mom came home from work early and we just sat around drinking coffee, doing crossword puzzles and online scrabble. Eventually, we decided to go into town so Dan could clean the truck and we could all go and visit Oma and Opa. Dad still has to send those pictures to me. We all crammed into the exteneded cab Ford Ranger and drove to O & O's. It was really funny and cute. Mom giggled the whole way .... kinda like how Caleb did when he first sat in the back on the pullout seats in that truck. :)
And here's where my day starts to get REALLY good. Oma and Opa are trying to give away their stuff. They are downsizing and planning on moving out soon so their years of collecting and building and making things that work for their hobbies have to be given away now. I don't really like this and could write a whole other blog on this issue but that's not the point of this post. Opa and I both LOVE gardening and so..... 

I GOT HIS SEED STARTING STUFF!! This might look like a pile of junk to some people but to me, this is GOLD. I woke up this morning with the same feeling of excitement that everyone has (come on, admit it) just before we remember that it's Christmas today or your birthday. My parents have tried to convince me that it's really a waste of money to try to start your seeds indoor. It takes a bit to put together your operation with lights, tables, soil, containers etc. And then you have to pay to keep those lights going for 16 hours everyday..... blah blah blah. Well, I haven't done it before but this year I thought I would start. I was talking about this when Opa mentioned that "boy, do I have the thing for you!" He gave me a table top, the lights, trays, soil, and even (if you look hard it's on the trays) a timer for the lights to automatically turn on and off with!!! Isn't that awesome?! Dan is bringing home some chain for me tonight so I can hang the lights. I have some seeds saved from my beautiful garden 2 years ago that probably aren't even viable anymore but who cares! Both mom and I are working on our seed orders from our different seed companies. I have a "poop calender" (you know, those dutch birthday calenders) that I don't use that I think I'm going to turn into a gardening calender where I can write last frost dates, seeding dates and maybe even harvesting dates. These lights and stuff really is gold to me. I don't even have a compost pile let alone a garden or even back yard yet. To dream about spring and planting just injects life into me again. Not that this winter has been bad.... in fact it's been a really good winter. I'm just excited to look forward to something... even if its temporary or even just a dream that won't happen. I'm going get a good box that I can mix my dirt in. I'm going to get some plastic from Larissa and James' to drape over the lights and keep the warmth in. I remember mom and dad starting their seeds down in the dirt basement at home with the exact same set up. I remember we weren't really allowed to go near it because the heat had to stay in but I CLEARLY remember the smell of warm dirt when you snuck a peak under the lights. mmmm.... I can't wait.
When we got home, I transplanted some indoor houseplants and spent the next 3-4 hours trying to replicate Oma's bami goreng recipe. mmm ... It's actually pretty good this time. I doubt it's close to right but it sure tastes good. I can't wait for lunch.
So, I spent Family Day hanging around with family, dreaming, planting and cooking.... can you see why this was such a good day for me?!
Sunday, 23 June 2013
Friday, 21 June 2013
It's barely 7:00 and it's dark already. I'm barefoot and my feet have been cold all day. The sky has been dark and gloomy all day and the weather has been cold and ominous. Fall has begun. And so, I've got a pan of cream of brocolli soup on, Randy Bachman on the radio, and a few fun recipe ideas spread out on the kitchen counter. I hope cream soups can freeze because I know that Dan won't eat it and I'm not sure if I can eat 2L of soup before it goes bad. I'm sure I could eat it but I end up getting bored of a food really fast and it just goes bad.
I have got to say, as much as I DISlike Randy Bachman (I'm only listening to him cuz he's on the CBC and I do like the music), I REALLLLLY dislike the chick that comes on the show with him. Man, does she drive me nuts!!! Holy Cow!! The two of them deserve eachother... the most annoying people ever!
The soup turned out great. Next on the list is JoAnn's fresh (not fried) spring rolls. The carrots have to marinate first. And I've got to cook the shrimp. I think sometime this week I also want to make chili the way Alisha made it when we were camping (hint hint, I'll have to get that recipe from her). I still like to make funky new recipes but I'm finding that I really have to tone it down and make some more down-to-earth, simple, easy recipes that I can make after I'm done work, otherwise I end up eating Subway every night. And with the weather changing, I should probably use the slow cooker more.
ooohhh, my feet are warming up.
I have got to say, as much as I DISlike Randy Bachman (I'm only listening to him cuz he's on the CBC and I do like the music), I REALLLLLY dislike the chick that comes on the show with him. Man, does she drive me nuts!!! Holy Cow!! The two of them deserve eachother... the most annoying people ever!
The soup turned out great. Next on the list is JoAnn's fresh (not fried) spring rolls. The carrots have to marinate first. And I've got to cook the shrimp. I think sometime this week I also want to make chili the way Alisha made it when we were camping (hint hint, I'll have to get that recipe from her). I still like to make funky new recipes but I'm finding that I really have to tone it down and make some more down-to-earth, simple, easy recipes that I can make after I'm done work, otherwise I end up eating Subway every night. And with the weather changing, I should probably use the slow cooker more.
ooohhh, my feet are warming up.
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
A day off
... means lots of work.
I'm hosting a shower at mom and dad's today for Larissa and James' baby. The kid will be born in a week (!!!) so we're having a last minute shower. Judging by what was left on the registry she's really going to need it too. I won't write exactly what's going on just in case I ruin it for those coming tonight yet but we have to clean the house, go grocery shopping, assemble snacks and game (hee hee hee) and they look our best yet for tonight. Oh ya, and we have to eat supper yet too.
I went home and saw my family this weekend. We had our mothers day celebration a little late. It was fun seeing almost everyone again and just hanging out (although it wasn't really a long weekend). Baby Grace was still just as cute but I can see so many changes in her already. I love the fat cheeks... they make her look grumpy but I think that's cute. Her bottom lip can actually stick out farther than her nose. And when she cries, there's actually a stream of real tears coming down her face. Oh it's so heartbreaking... but really she's just being pushy cuz she wants her food NOW! A girl just like the rest of her family. I'm not a baby any more so I can't out right cry when I'm hungry but I sure get grumpy and mean. It's a family curse.. what can I say.
I hope the weather turns nicer for tonight. We were really hoping to sit outside. Oh well, I don't mind bumping shoulders. We'll just all have to move about in different rooms.
I'll try to take pictures of the shower for you all.
I'm hosting a shower at mom and dad's today for Larissa and James' baby. The kid will be born in a week (!!!) so we're having a last minute shower. Judging by what was left on the registry she's really going to need it too. I won't write exactly what's going on just in case I ruin it for those coming tonight yet but we have to clean the house, go grocery shopping, assemble snacks and game (hee hee hee) and they look our best yet for tonight. Oh ya, and we have to eat supper yet too.
I went home and saw my family this weekend. We had our mothers day celebration a little late. It was fun seeing almost everyone again and just hanging out (although it wasn't really a long weekend). Baby Grace was still just as cute but I can see so many changes in her already. I love the fat cheeks... they make her look grumpy but I think that's cute. Her bottom lip can actually stick out farther than her nose. And when she cries, there's actually a stream of real tears coming down her face. Oh it's so heartbreaking... but really she's just being pushy cuz she wants her food NOW! A girl just like the rest of her family. I'm not a baby any more so I can't out right cry when I'm hungry but I sure get grumpy and mean. It's a family curse.. what can I say.
I hope the weather turns nicer for tonight. We were really hoping to sit outside. Oh well, I don't mind bumping shoulders. We'll just all have to move about in different rooms.
I'll try to take pictures of the shower for you all.
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Rando HD Mini Car DVR Video Camera Recorder 2-inch LCD w/ HDMI Cable built-in Microphone
Rando HD Mini Car DVR Video Camera Recorder 2-inch LCD w/ HDMI Cable built-in Microphone
1.3Megapixel high resolution digital camera, turned 180 degrees
1280 x 720 HD Car Digital Video Recorder with 140 degree wide view-angl
2.0 inch TFT LCD display, 270 degrees rotating full-color screen
Support TF Card from 512M to 32GB(not included)
AVI format, Recording resolution: HD (1280x720), VGA (640x480), D1 (720x480), QVGA (320x240) @ 30fps
Snapshot resolution:12M, 8M, 5M, 3M, 2M, 1.3M, VGA
Built-in microphone
Built-in LED for night vision
Car charg
List Price: $ 99.99
And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
- HDMI Cable included
- 1280 x 720 HD
- Built-in Microphone
- 140 degree wide view-angle
- Built-in LED for night vision
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Rando HD Mini Car DVR Video Camera Recorder 2-inch LCD w/ HDMI Cable built-in Microphone this month.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
oh man, I did it again
If there's still a party happening, I can't seem to leave. This weekend has really been a good time for me. Yesterday we woke up late-ish and had another wonderful breakfast that couldn't be beat (frittata's with our own chickens eggs). We headed over to the park and spent the rest of the day there. I don't know where 13 hours goes when you're hanging around a festival but I doesn't seem to take long. One of the musicians, Rueben DeGroet, who is a friend of Sarah and Pete's came first thing in the morning and we all hung out all day. It rained pretty hard for a while but the rain couldn't shut the festival down. Oma and Gramps came out for a while. Opa took off on his scooter for a while just to check things out on his own. I love that scooter. I saw lots of old childhood friends walking through with their strollers and kids. I did listen to lots of music but I probably spent more time in the beer tent. There were plenty hearts being poured out in the beer tent. :) When then night closed down I had just started dancing so I really didn't want it to be over yet.... so it wasn't. I went to the first after-party party with Peter and Rueben. All the musicians had gathered at a local restaurant/pub for a few drinks. Rueben really wanted to jam but since it was all talk there and no music we took him home to my parents place. Neighbor Dan had a jam session in his gigantic garage so we walked over there with Rueben's guitar and danced the rest of the night away. Dan and his band are old rockers so Rueben jumped in with them but eventually started doing his own songs and leading the guys. It was a night of no pretentions and nothing to prove. The crappy singers sang into the mike and the just learning drummers had a go at a few songs.... and I got to dance as much as I wanted whether I was by myself or not. Peter (what a good brother-in-law) spun me around the dance floor more times than I can remember and tried to teach me how to move these awkward giraffe legs to move to the two-step. Even mom and dad didn't hit the sack till 4:30. Peter, Rueben and I jumped in the hot tub for a few minutes and watched as the sky slowly brightened to day. We were in bed by 5:30 and up again for breakfast at 10:30.
We spent today at the park again. I came home a bit early to start to get ready for the next party. All the leftover carcasses from the swine and wine are here. We picked them clean and are having a bunch of people over for salads and leftovers. I don't know how much of a laid back visit or a rowdy party it will be but either way I'll enjoy it. This food smells goooooodd. Time to go finish off my brocolli salad.
We spent today at the park again. I came home a bit early to start to get ready for the next party. All the leftover carcasses from the swine and wine are here. We picked them clean and are having a bunch of people over for salads and leftovers. I don't know how much of a laid back visit or a rowdy party it will be but either way I'll enjoy it. This food smells goooooodd. Time to go finish off my brocolli salad.
Monday, 10 June 2013
Things I LIKE about winter
... more specificaly, about this winter.
The festive seasons are over and the long winter begins. Or so it seems. Usually I get 10x the usual Sunday evening blues at about this time but this year I'm bracing myself against it. Firstly, now that we have to walk the dog every day I'm testing out the theory that I just need more light and exercise in the winters to keep my spirits up. So far it's working. Second, I'm making a mental list of the reasons why I like winter and I'm working to make sure that I have good things to look forward to. So here it is:
-Christmas, New Years and all the other good socializing and relaxing.
- The silloettes of trees. I don't know why but I love looking at the bare tree just before sunset. There's so many different shapes and sizes... i wish I could identify them.
-Mom and Dad told me about the "blue hour" and how it turns into the "grey hour". Described in that way, I like looking for the right colours to feel out the day.
-Cass and Mike's stag and doe. Not just that day but for the next two months I'll be trying to organize and plan it. By the way, keep Feb. 28th open.
-It's freezing so there's no mud at least!
-Pulling out the graph paper, seed catalogues and the imagination. I love planning a garden in the winter. I rarely actually use any of my plans but it is almost as good as the horticultural therapy of actually being in the garden.
-Dan and I are planning on going away for a weekend with our friends Mike & Meg to the blacksheep inn. We haven't picked a date yet but I think that March would be a perfect month for it. I'm super excited about this one. It's a road trip, a night (or 2) away, good visiting with friends and probably some really good music. Maybe we can get some snow shoeing or something in too. Fun eh?
-As soon as there is any thaw, I have full permission to make whatever garden I want here. That should be fun. Good thing I have a roto tiller!
That's it for now but I'm really going to try to add to this list.
The festive seasons are over and the long winter begins. Or so it seems. Usually I get 10x the usual Sunday evening blues at about this time but this year I'm bracing myself against it. Firstly, now that we have to walk the dog every day I'm testing out the theory that I just need more light and exercise in the winters to keep my spirits up. So far it's working. Second, I'm making a mental list of the reasons why I like winter and I'm working to make sure that I have good things to look forward to. So here it is:
-Christmas, New Years and all the other good socializing and relaxing.
- The silloettes of trees. I don't know why but I love looking at the bare tree just before sunset. There's so many different shapes and sizes... i wish I could identify them.
-Mom and Dad told me about the "blue hour" and how it turns into the "grey hour". Described in that way, I like looking for the right colours to feel out the day.
-Cass and Mike's stag and doe. Not just that day but for the next two months I'll be trying to organize and plan it. By the way, keep Feb. 28th open.
-It's freezing so there's no mud at least!
-Pulling out the graph paper, seed catalogues and the imagination. I love planning a garden in the winter. I rarely actually use any of my plans but it is almost as good as the horticultural therapy of actually being in the garden.
-Dan and I are planning on going away for a weekend with our friends Mike & Meg to the blacksheep inn. We haven't picked a date yet but I think that March would be a perfect month for it. I'm super excited about this one. It's a road trip, a night (or 2) away, good visiting with friends and probably some really good music. Maybe we can get some snow shoeing or something in too. Fun eh?
-As soon as there is any thaw, I have full permission to make whatever garden I want here. That should be fun. Good thing I have a roto tiller!
That's it for now but I'm really going to try to add to this list.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Zmodo 16CH H.264 Video DVR Security Surveillance CCTV Camera System With 8 Night Vision Outdoor Security Cameras 1TB Hard Drive
Zmodo 16CH H.264 Video DVR Security Surveillance CCTV Camera System With 8 Night Vision Outdoor Security Cameras 1TB Hard Drive
List Price: $ 399.99
And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
- View Video Online with No Service Fees - View your DVR's live or recorded video footage on any PC.
- Long time recording: - Base on the H.264 Compression, maximize the hard drive's recording time, as well as transfer video for viewing over the internet.
- Network Remote Access - Access live video footage directly from your mobile phone or PC anytime anywhere
- Advanced Motion Detection Recording - This allows you record only when motion is detected.
- Instant Email Alerts if Activity Detected - This system is designed to send an email alert, complete with photo of the activity, if any motion is detected, or if any camera experiences video loss.
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Zmodo 16CH H.264 Video DVR Security Surveillance CCTV Camera System With 8 Night Vision Outdoor Security Cameras 1TB Hard Drive this month.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Zmodo PKD-DK0863-500GB Outdoor Security Camera
Zmodo PKD-DK0863-500GB Outdoor Security Camera
The kit PKD-DK0863-500GB includes an 8 CH H.264 standalone DVR with 500GB HD and four indoor/outdoor night vision security Read More >>
List Price: $ 239.99
And below is why i think all of you should buy this item :
- 3G mobile live! Preview via mobile phone.
- network access, motion detection, VGA video output, and USB2.0 backup
- 8 channel DVR with 500GB HDD+ 4 outdoor cameras
Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Zmodo PKD-DK0863-500GB Outdoor Security Camera this month.
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