So we're here! Really, I am happy that I'm here but I WAS NOT looking forward to travelling. It's not that I get sick or anything. I just hate waiting. And all you do when you travel is wait First, you wait for the day of travel to get here. Then, you wait till it's time to go to the airport. Then, when you're there, you wait and wait and wait FINALLY get on the plane. But once you get on the plane you sit down and wait till you finally get to your destination. Then, just to top it all off, you wait to get your luggage. AAARRGHHH! Anyway, we're here... I'm good now. At least until we start driving back.... for 24 HOURS!!
We all travelled out to Winnipeg to visit with family. Nicholas is getting married on Saturday so that is the technical reason that we're out here but really, any excuse is good to come and visit. We don't really have any plans to go out and do anything for the next day but I like just hanging around and visiting. There's lots of baby time for everyone because if Jaela is unavailable, Gavin's here too... and vice versa. It's really neat to see Gavin in person. What a ch
aracter. He's got sooo much personality. I'll have to post some pictures. There's definately tons of them since he's very photogenic.